Everyone Has a
Story to Tell
Here you’ll find inspiring stories, educational tips and updates from the Get Back Up Today community. Want to share your own story with the world? Click “Share Your Story” and tell us how you’ve worked to “get back UP!”
Every Step Beats MS: Gene Caffrey’s Story
My Multiple Sclerosis (MS) story started in November of 2009. I was competing in the 2009 Florida Ironman in Panama City, and after the first 1.2-mile lap of the swim I got out of the water and couldn’t feel my legs. They went numb and had bad cramps. I thought it...
CMT Warrior: Laura Werlinger’s Story
Hi! My name is Laura Werlinger and I live in Jaffrey, New Hampshire with my husband John and my dog Dexter. I am a recovery coach/peer recovery specialist for a recovery center and am working on obtaining my Certified Recovery Support Worker certification from...
Guest Blogger’s Tips: Finding “Mr. Right Boot” (for AFOs)
READERS' NOTE: This post has been updated to include MEN'S BOOTS, TOO! See end of this post for Men's boot options for AFO-wearers. Just in time for fall, we want to share an article written by GetBackUPToday friend and fellow blogger, Lainie Ishbia. Lainie...
The Courage to Change: Kristina McCormick’s Story
My name is Kristina McCormick, and I am 27 years old. I’ve lived with Cerebral Palsy my whole life, but I’ve never let it stop me from enjoying the adventures that life brings. I have Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy and enjoy wearing colorful socks with my AFOs,...
Stroke Survivor’s Journey: “Happier Now Than Ever”
In honor of Stroke Awareness Month, I decided to tell my brief story and how I responded to having a traumatic stroke. I had an entirely different career path in mind but one night changed the course of my life forever. On October 16, 2006, while serving in the...
“The Only Disability is a Bad Attitude”: Sean Clarke’s Story
Sean Clarke was just 7-years-old when the back of his left knee was severed by glass. The accident left him with permanent foot drop and peroneal nerve palsy in his lower left leg. The full scope of his injuries included: When Get Back UP Today learned that Sean...
MICA Month: Standing Up For Those Who Can’t
March 2, 2016 was one of the most frightening and confusing days of my life. During labor and delivery with my firstborn child, Noah, my peroneal nerve and sciatic nerve were severely damaged. This diagnosis took months to get from doctors, as no one initially knew...
Frank “Sean” Johnson: Master of the Silver Lining
US Veteran and acclaimed actor, writer, producer and motivational speaker, Frank “Sean” Johnson, has a story that itself seems straight out of a Hollywood drama. Johnson, who served his country in Desert Storm as an Air Force Mental Health Specialist, provided...
Cori Fischer: What Dystonia Taught Me
Hi, my name is Cori Fischer and this is my story. In 2012 at the age of 12, I went from being a competitive gymnast to having trouble walking. Little did I know at this time what life was going to throw at me, and boy was it a curveball. I was eventually diagnosed...
A Veteran’s Story: Craig Vogtsberger
My name is Craig Vogtsberger and I come from a family of US military veterans. I served in the Army/Army National Guard from April 1995 to April 2003. In March 2001, I walked between two Humvees as they hit each other. I was crushed and trapped between them. I...