TeamUP Community



Arlyne Grant
- Blue eyes -
Joined June 12, 2023
My Story
I had an ankle replacement in August 2019. I had pain for the next 31/2 years. Finally, when I told the doctor I would not go for more therapy he decided to do a CT Scan. He was not pleased when e saw the results. He thought the talus bone was infected. He ordered a bone biopsy of the talus bone. there was no infection. The Talus bone has a lack of blood supply. I went for a second opinion before the bone bx,this doctor suggested I meet with the rehab people to look at the Carbo Fiber Brace by Allard. He also suggested I try it on. He told me not everyone liked it. I wore it for a few minutes with no problems. The rehab tech said most insurance will not cover the cost. the cost was close to $1000.00 The doctor there told me I did need the bone biopsy. I would need the talus bone replaced. He said there are a few doctors doing a metal replacement. My primary surgeon suggested a cadaver talus bone replacement which also required using the Tibia bone of the cadaver as well or the metal replacement. He suggested a new surgeon who does the metal replacement. I met with him and we set a surgery date. I had a syncope event that required a cardiac workup. I now have Cobalt X T VR MRI Defibrillator implanted in my right upper chest. Surgery was postponed twice. Once due to the implant and the second due to poor response due to the Beta blockers. Surgery is scheduled for July 12th with a Colbolt 3-D printer-made Talus. I am a 75-year-old female with Ehlar Danlos Syndrome. Lupus with an Anti cardio Lipin Antibody which messes with my PT count. A Sub Dural Hematoma from a fall 6 months earlier in 2019. The. Sub Sural with a significant shift of the right brain. I now have a TBI with a significant balance issue. I was working out at a KoKo Fit club for the past two years but have had to back off because of the implant in my chest. I just obtained a set of the Smart Crutch last week. I feel safer walking with them. My right foot has issues with it as they took CT scans of both feet for the Left foot Talus issue. I am trying to stay up with what will be best for my health and welfare. I also have Scheuermann's Disease resulting in my needing surgery and Harrington Rodes placed and fused from T2 to SI.
Diagnosis or Condition
Brain Injury, Spinal Injury
I support someone with mobility challenges
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