TeamUP Community

Todd Hart
- Jenrocks7 -
Joined August 19, 2019
My Story
In 2009, i had three surgeries followed by chemo treatments to combat melanoma cancer on my right hip. The surgeries included removal of the cancerous area, the removal of lymph sack from the groin, a required severing of my femoral nerve, and relocating the sartorious muscle. Re-learned to walk straight, and then started running. About 9 months later, dystonia onset in foot of the same leg. It took six months before a correct diagnosis was made. Dystonia is permanent and painful. I now take a series of three botox shots every twelve weeks in my right calf to eliminate the nerves firing the foot muscles. Re-learned to walk straight, and then started running – again! This time I required the aid of the Allard ToeOFF®. The ToeOFF® was spot-on. It provides comfort, control, and confidence – and I can’t begin to put a price on those, especially during the rehab.
Diagnosis or Condition
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Favorite Activities
Cycling, Triathlon/Multi-Sport Events
Favorite Inspiring Quote or Mantra
Stop whining and start moving.