Meet The Co-Captains
TeamUP Co-Captain
Todd Hart
Click Here For Quick Facts
LIVES IN Copley, Ohio.
CURRENTLY ENJOYING RETIREMENT from a career with Sherwin-Williams
DEVELOPED DYSTONIA AS A RESULT OF Cancer-removal surgeries in Abdomen-area, which included severing of the femoral nerve and relocation of the sartorius muscle.
CURRENTLY WEARS the Allard ToeOFF™ with SoftKIT™ interface
ONE OF MY PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENTS is raising my daughter together with my wife.
FAVORITE QUOTE IS “If one sees their glass as half empty, pour it into a smaller glass and quit griping!”
FAVORITE HOBBIES ARE Multi-sport events, hiking, traveling and enjoying family events.
FUN FACT: I have a twin brother and by the end of 2019 I will have visited all 50 states!
Since my Dystonia diagnosis, I have cycled across the USA three times, and in numerous countries around the globe. And, although my walking and running now consists of being able to push off using only one foot, I still compete in numerous multisport events each year – I’m just not as fast. But being fast is no longer important. My priorities now consist of enjoying the abilities I still have, while reaching out and encouraging others in our “community” with methods and means to remain active. As many of you reading this know, it’s common for the physical disabilities to take a back seat to the mental challenges faced due to those disabilities. That’s why having the support of others who have been through this process is crucial. I am now very proud to lend my story and my voice in hopes of helping others create their own path to Get Back UP. Thanks Allard.

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