National Foot Drop Awareness Day 2019 is almost here! On September 20th, we’ll be celebrating all the ways in which the global Get Back UP Today community has refused to let Foot Drop stand in the way of a happy, healthy life.
From the TeamUSA Paralympians representing our movement all over the world, to the everyday heroes who show folks that Foot Drop doesn’t have to be an impediment to a beautiful day in the park or a visit with friends and family — we’re proud to help share the stories of our community.
So how will you be celebrating this important day? Let us know by submitting your thoughts, story or inspirational messages using the form below. We’ll collect and share them with our community throughout the week after National Foot Drop Awareness Day. And if you don’t already have any, we’ll be happy to send you some official Get Back UP Today goodies.
And if you’d rather share your message on social media, just be sure to tag us (@GetBackUpToday) on Instagram or Facebook and use the official hashtag, #NationalFootDropAwarenessDay.
Can’t wait to hear and share your stories!
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